
Embrace Your Inner Child

At Dripping the theme felt like “childhood.” At Laraji’s laughing workshop, we were told to “embrace our inner child.” Writer Hannah Baer was reframing our relationships with parental figures (is the DJ a patriarch?). We’re at friggin summer camp! There’s a puppet show!

It’s interesting to think about how sexual energy and hook ups play into this type of space…. or don’t. I had an interesting conversation with a friend who said that Dripping and even Nowadays feel like unsafe spaces for them for sexy overtures. I don’t agree personally about Nowadays, but I can see it at Dripping. (Aerin’s performance was an exception to the raver-as-inner-child theme… it was romantic and hot!)

One thing “utopias” do is try to rewrite the codes of human relating. I did feel like the raver-as-inner child theme gestured towards this. Personally I like a little cult-y energy. Things like eye contact and touch of strangers had been deconstructed. WTF is leering when you’ve spent the day consciously relating and holding hands w strangers?